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Nature-Inspired Chemical Engineering - A Systematic Methodology for Innovation in Materials and Manufacturing

发布时间:2018年05月28日 11:32    来源:

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报告题目:Nature-Inspired Chemical Engineering - A Systematic Methodology for Innovation in Materials and Manufacturing

报告人:Marc-Olivier COPPENS, Ramsay Memorial Chair and Head of Department of Chemical Engineering at University College London

报告时间:2018年5月30日 14:30


Marc-Olivier COPPENS教授分别于1993年、1996年获得比利时根特大学化学工程学士和博士学位,他曾在中科院访问,并在耶鲁大学和加州大学伯克利分校进行博士后研究,之后在荷兰代尔伏特大学担任教授并在Rensselaer公司进行科研,于2012年加入UCL担任化工系主任,并主持EPSRC前沿工程中心Center for Nature Inspired Engineering的研究工作(NICE Research:。此外,他还是Chemical & Engineering Processing: Process Intensification杂志的主编和多个学术杂志的编委。

The UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering applies fundamental mechanisms underpinning desirable properties in natural systems to address engineering challenges, while appreciating different contexts in nature and technology. Properties include scalability, efficiency, robustness and adaptability. The motivation behind our work is double: (1) Our challenges related to energy, environment, water, healthcare and sustainable manufacturing are enormous, thus require truly transformative solutions; (2) Nature offers examples of exceptional performance, exceeding similar technological processes, by applying different mechanisms. There is a huge gap to bridge, but discovering nature's "secrets" is a way to achieve a more sustainable world.  

Our nature-inspired chemical engineering (NICE) approach provides a systematic methodology for innovation. We focus on the following themes, based on mechanisms leading to exceptional performance in nature: (1) hierarchical transport networks (lungs, trees), (2) force-balancing (macroscopic and nanoscale, as in aquaporins or chaperones), and (3) dynamic self-organization (regular patterns on sand dunes, self-organization of bacteria). Nature maintains functionality over a wide range of scales, applying nano-confinement to achieve higher performance in, e.g., separation and catalytic processes, and using dynamics as organizing principle for adaptability and healing. We will illustrate the NICE approach in catalysis and separations, fuel cells, and various novel multi-functional materials.

联系人:郭洪波 13810135909; 管娟15810741731  






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