系列讲座主题:Applied Electrostatics and Non-Thermal Plasma for Environmental Application

水野彰教授(Prof. Akira Mizuno)
Dr. Akira Mizuno is a professor emeritus at Toyohashi University of Technology. He received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from University of Tokyo in 1978, and worked with IHI heavy industries Co., Ltd., then joined with TUT. He has contributed for understanding back corona problem in electrostatic precipitation. He initiated to apply non-thermal plasma combined with catalysts in environmental remediation to remove gaseous pollutants in indoor air and NO removal for possible application in diesel exhaust. He involved in various subjects using electrostatics and non-thermal plasma, which include electrostatic precipitation of fine particles, cleaning of diesel exhaust, conversion of gases and cracking of heavy oil and sterilization of biological particles by NTP, manipulation of individual cells and DNA molecules. He is a Life Fellow of IEEE, and former president of Institute of Electrostatics Japan.
讲座一:Fundamentals of electrostatics
简介:Fundamental phenomena of electrostatics and non-thermal plasma are introduced, which includes, Electrical discharge, Particle charging by corona discharge, Electrostatic force, Electrostatic measurements, and generation of high voltage. Those are not very familiar for students other than electrical engineering, therefore, important points are comprehensively explained.
讲座二:Electrostatic Precipitation
简介:Electrostatic precipitators have been used widely in industry, and play an important role in environmental protection. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP) can be operated with a high collection efficiency and a low pressure drop. Recently, ESP also has been used for cleaning indoor air. In this lecture, principles of electrostatic precipitation, such as particle charging, migration velocity of charged particles and collection efficiency, are described. Performance of ESP deteriorates by abnormal phenomena, including back corona for treating high resistivity dust, abnormal re-entrainment for low resistivity dust, and corona quenching for fine dusts. To cope with these phenomena, new technologies have been developed. Pulsed energization is a technique to cope with high resistivity dusts. Wet ESP can also remove dusts and gaseous pollutants simultaneously, These new advancements will expand the field of application of electrostatic precipitation. Finally important advancement of this old technology will be introduced to cope with modern problems.
讲座三:Non-Thermal Plasma for Environmental Applications
简介:Application of non-thermal discharge-plasma for abatement of gaseous pollutants has been widely studied, and commercial products have been introduced recently. Indoor air cleaners have been mass-produced for removal of odor/allergen. Non-thermal plasma is also effective to decompose volatile organic compound (VOC) or cleaning of diesel exhaust. Combination of plasma and catalysts will further improve efficiency and selectivity. Generation of non-thermal discharge plasma, its application in gas cleaning, wet-plasma process for various applications are introduced.
讲座四:Biological Application of NTP
简介:At first, micro-manipulation of single cell and visualized molecule will be introduced. The technique of observation and manipulation is useful to study the effect of NTP on bio-particles. Mechanism of inactivation of bio-particles exposed to dielectric barrier discharge, DBD, has been studied using microbes and bacteriophages. States of different biological components were monitored during the course of inactivation. Analysis of green fluorescent protein, GFP, introduced into E.coli cells proved that NTP causes a prominent protein damages without cutting peptide bonds. We have developed a biological assay which evaluates in-vivo DNA damage of the bacteriophages. These results will be introduced together with the method for the evaluation.