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Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium:Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics approach for cluster production in heavy-ion collisions

发布时间:2022年05月17日 16:42    来源:

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Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium


Place: ZOOM ID: 795 6148 6142, pwd: 8tZu1r
Time: 2022年5月25日 15:00-16:30  
Title: Antisymmetrized molecular dynamics approach for cluster production in heavy-ion collisions
Speaker: Prof. Akira Ono
In  a wide energy range from Fermi energies to several hundred MeV/nucleon,  we know that a heavy-ion collision produces a lot of clusters such as  deuterons, tritons, alpha particles, and heavier fragment nuclei.  Cluster production reflects quantum many-body correlations and  thermodynamic properties of excited nuclear systems. We have been  developing transport models such as the antisymmetrized molecular  dynamics (AMD) model to describe cluster production within a  time-dependent framework with microscopic ingredients. Recent versions  of AMD incorporate cluster correlations explicitly, which has drastic  impacts not only on the cluster yields but also on the global evolution  of the system. In this talk, I will include applications of AMD to  fragmentation of light projectile nuclei such as 12C, 20Ne and 32S, and  other studies to extract information on nuclear symmetry energy from  cluster observables.
About speaker:
Prof.  Ono finished his Ph.D. in science at Kyoto University in 1995. After  working at RIKEN as a postdoctoral fellow for about a year, he got a  permanent position at Tohoku University in 1996. His main research  interest has been the many-body dynamics in nuclear reactions and the  properties of nuclear matter realized during reactions. Recently, he is  participating in several international collaborations, including the  transport model evaluation project.







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