报告名称:Robotics and Industry 4.0
时间:12月10日 9:00-12:00
报告人:Prof. Danwei Wang, IEEE Fellow 新加坡南洋理工大学
The objective of the seminar is to discuss robotics and its roles in industry 4.0. In Industry 3.0, robots have been widely used in industries for manufacturing and assembly. They are mostly connected by conveyor belts with fixed scheduling using computer-integrated-manufacturing (CIM) technologies. In Industry 4.0, robotics, internet technology, information, cloud, AI and many advanced technologies are integrated to create a much comprehensive industry value chain. This integration enables great increase of productivity in all industries. We shall discuss how robots are coordinated and controlled in Industry4.0. Many examples of robot applications are illustrated, ranging from flexible manufacturing to mobile robots in logistics industries and agriculture. From this discussion, we will be able to appreciate how robots and Industry 4.0 will create impacts to our society.
王郸维,新加坡工程院院士,IEEE Fellow, IEEE RAS杰出讲师,新加坡新科工程杰出教授,德国洪堡Fellow , 与2017上海科技一等奖获得者。现任新加坡南洋理工大学电子与电机工程学院教授. 1989年于美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校获博士学位。他现任IEEE/RSJ IROS 主编. 他发表了6本英文专著,7个书中章节,9个专利和500多篇国际杂志和会议论文。王教授涉及的研究领域包括机器人和力控制,先进控制系统设计,智能系统,学习控制,移动机器人,移动机器人路径和轨迹控制,卫星编队飞行和故障容错姿态控制,复杂系统的故障诊断和预测,交通灯控制等方面。至2022年2月,王教授的论文被科学引文索引(SCI)引用次数超过8800次以及在谷歌学术数据库引用超过15000次。