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发布时间:2007年02月28日 10:19    来源:

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PROMOTION 2007 2nd call of offer

(18 or 24 months)

Call for candidates: February 24th, 2007.

FFCSA’s Fellowships are awarded for 18 or 24 months.

They are exclusively aimed at candidates living in mainland China who wish to come to France or to Switzerland. Chinese scholarship holders currently in France who are seeking to extend their stay are not eligible to apply.

Fellowships offered are aimed exclusively at post-doctoral scholars, who have obtained their Ph.D. before the end of June 2007 and within the last 6 years and are under 35 years of age.

Selection of candidates is a three-stage process:

  1. call for, and short-listing of candidates in China, under the guidance of CSC and the CAS which selects more candidates than there are fellowships on offer;

  2. interviews in China, in Beijing and Shanghai, by an FFCSA expert panel from France (candidates’ travel costs to the interview locations are at the candidates’ expense);

  3. final decision in France by the FFCSA on the candidates selected and on their host laboratories in France;

The timetable for the fellowships promotion 2007, 2nd call of offer award is as follows:

  • Week from February 26th to 2nd march, 2007: Call of proposal publication in French, English and Chinese of the Fellowships offered for academic year 2007-2009, 18 or 24 months

  • April 26th, 2007 : deadline for applications in China and in France;

  • During the first fortnight of may: screening of applications with the guidance of CSC and CAS and short-listing of candidates;

  • From May 21st to May 26th; 2007: interviews of short-listed candidates in Beijing or Shanghai by representatives of the FFCSA’s Scientific Council and representatives from the CAS and the CSC; ranking of candidates for each fellowship offered;

  • End June 2007 final decision on candidates selected by the FFCSA, in relation with the CSC and the CAS; candidates selected will be immediately informed and will be required to start learning French intensively before leaving China ( French training lessons in charge of the CSC). A fluent knowledge of English is a pre-requisite for admission.

  • September-December 2007 : French training lessons in China

  • January 2008 : arrival in France or in Switzerland of candidates selected.

The international plane fare from China to France and return is reimbursed in China. The travel cost to provincial France or to Switzerland when necessary will be covered by the FFCSA. The amount of the fellowship is € 2 300 net per month. FFCSA covers the cost of health insurance.

Whichever the date corresponding at research work during the fellowship, publications should mention imperatively the help of the FFCSA and CSC.

During his/her stay in France or in Switzerland, each scholar will be counselled by the FFCSA whose task is to ensure the harmonious integration of the scholar and the smooth development of his/her research programme. The scholar’s return to China is mandatory. FFCSA had created Alumini Club in January 2005.

For the Promotion 2007 2nd call of offer, 18 or 24 months, beginning January 2008, the number of fellowships offered is 17 in the following subjects:

  1. Acoustic improvement of cockpit windows under turbulent boundary layer excitation by damping loss factor increase.

  2. Wireless sensors in aircraft.

  3. Petroleum fluid thermodynamics

  4. Fluid dynamics in porous media

  5. Catalytic engineering ; implementation of heterogeneous catalysts applied to the refining and up-grading of heavy oil residues

  6. Structural biology

  7. Medicinal chemistry

  8. Bio-informatics

  9. Material behaviour under irradiation, chemical and corrosion aspects: modelization and experimentation in water and air environments

  10. Fracture mechanics and analysis of components, modelization aspects

  11. Numerical simulation of welding

  12. Fluid-structure interaction problems: flow induced vibrations in geometrical singularities, modelization and experimentation

  13. Numerical simulation of the structure and the vibration spectra of glasses

  14. Inorganic fast proton conductors

  15. Porous ceramics for gas separation

  16. Surface micro- and nano-structuring for optics

  17. Small artery diseases of the brain

  18. The role of intracellular trafficking in the regulation of Notch signalling

  19. Forward genetic analysis of antiparasitic responses in Anopheles gambiae

  20. Eukaryotes, regulation of gene expression, protein biochemistry , molecular and cellular biology genome wide approaches

  21. Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) in tissue repair and metabolic control

  22. Identification of the functional elements in the human genome sequence

  23. evolutionary genomics


If the applicant chooses 2 thematics, he /she has to give his/her preference whether A or B

Candidates application’s package should include (see the application form)

-a detailed CV,

-a motivation letter pointing out either the suitability of his/her CV and the proposed research project or your willing research project in the proposed thematic,

-the scientific publications,

-the research grants,

-and two letters one from the head of the laboratory and one from the President of their University or from a Science Academician if he or she is not working in a University.

Candidates should send their application package by e-mail at all the following addressesffcsa@academie-sciences.frandzrhou@csc.edu.cnandjlqiu@cashq.ac.cnandxflu@cashq.ac.cn.

The deadline is April 26th, 2007. Applications should be send in parallel by post to Mr HOU Zurong, Project Officer, Division of Cooperation and Consultancy, China Scholarship Council, 160 Fuxingmennei Street, Beijing 100031, P.R.China, e-mail:zrhou@csc.edu.cn. China Scholarship Council will inform the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the progress timely.

Chinese version and forms are available at URL:, the post-doctoral fellowships offered is also available at URLhttp://www.csc.edu.cnand French and English versions are available at URL




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