Message from President
On behalf of the entire Beihang University family, I am pleased to introduce you to Beihang University, and to offer my vision for Beihang in the next decade.
In many ways, Beihang has been distinct from day one: starting with a select community of scholars and students delving into aerospace sciences, educating responsible professionals and leaders in engineering and other sectors, exerting a great influence on China's aerospace industry, and driving forward technological innovation of the country.
The history of Beihang is a proud narrative of response to the nation’s call. In 1952, it was formed from the merger of the aerospace departments of eight Chinese universities. As one of China's first 16 key universities, Beihang has long been dedicated to cutting-edge research in the area of aerospace, contributing to the realization of the Chinese dream.
Today, the call emanates from a new century which has witnessed an explosion of knowledge and higher demand for original research and innovation in a global context. Supported by three national education excellence projects (211/985/2011), we have now developed into a comprehensive research university covering engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. In addition to serving the nation, we are striving to answer the new call by boosting engagement with the world-wide flow of talent, vigorous intellectual exchange, and international interdisciplinary research.
The University has the added attraction of being situated in Zhongguancun, also known as “China's Silicon Valley”, within easy reach of central Beijing. At the heart of one of the most dynamic technology hubs in China, our main campus offers a thriving environment that encourages innovation and collaboration. The suburban Shahe campus provides quiet study milieu and is also home to the National Laboratory of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NLAA), well equipped with advanced research facilities.
We believe that great students make a great university possible. Beihang is deeply committed to an education that fosters innovation and intercultural awareness. It is a campus tradition that every year our students participate in innovation contests and figure out the most creative solutions in teams. It is also a booming trend for many students to spend weeks or a semester abroad studying at our partner universities.
Looking to the future, Beihang aspires to become a world class research university with distinctive advantages in science and technology. We hope you can join us along the way!
Welcome to Beihang.
Prof. WANG Yunpeng
September 2022