Thinking about an exchange?

If you want to study at Beihang as an exchange student for one or two semesters, you must be enrolled at one of our partner universities, which have signed formal student exchange agreements with us. Please consult the international office of your university to find out if there is such an agreement.

Applicants must have a good academic record, display a suitable level of competence in English or Chinese and be officially nominated by their home universities.

Semester dates can be found at the section "Prepare for Beihang".

What can I study?

Courses in English: undergraduate level, postgraudate level

Beihang is one of the first Chinese universities to offer postgraduate programmes in English for international students. Currently, over 250 of our courses can be taught in English. At the undergraduate level, seven subject areas offer English-taught courses. More choices are available at the postgraduate level.

Incoming exchange students can select courses across a range of subject areas and are not restricted to courses only in their major. It is also possible for undergraduate exchange students to choose courses from postgraduate programs, and vice versa. However, courses are taught only once a year, either in the spring semester or in the autumn semester.

One credit at Beihang generally equals to 16 hours of lecture time, around 2-2.5 ECTS credits. Our grading scale: 0-59 Fail; 60-69 Average; 70-84 Good; 85-100 Excellent. Transcripts of records will be sent to your home university coordinator either in late March or late September.

In parallel with your regular studies, you can take Chinese language courses for 4 to 20 hours a week, depending on your proficiency level. Application for such courses takes place on arrival. Elementary courses are free of charge and Intermediate courses may incur an extra fee of ¥6000 per semester.

Research Projects: brochure

Exchange students are welcome to do final-year projects or research internships supervised by our professors. Available opportunities can be found in the brochure compiled annually by the International Division.

Applicants should first contact prospective supervisors by sending a CV and a motivation letter (please copy  With all resources at hand, if there is still difficulty in matching professors, please request for help from the program manager of your region.

Apply for an exchange

Step 1. Speak to your home university's exchange coordinator

Contact the coordinator for exchange programs at your home university and find out the steps you need to follow in order to be nominated for exchange to Beihang.

Step 2. Submit your application to Beihang

- University-level program:

Your coordinator should send to the program manager at Internatioal Division: a recommendation list (xls. format), and single PDF files by person containing the other documents. Please kindly note that late applications will not be considered and no hard copy is required.

- School/department-level  program:

Applications from Grenoble Ecole de Management and Solvay Brussels School of ULB should be sent to Dr. HAO Jinxing (, School of Economics and Management, Beihang University.

- Application documents:

- Application deadlines:

  • Autumn semester (Mid-September to early January): April 15    
  • Spring semester (Early March to Mid-July): October 15 of the previous year    

Step 3. Wait for confirmation

After receiving your completed application, another unit – the International School will evaluate your documents and decide if they can admit you.

If you qualify, we will mail the package to your home university coordinator within two months. It will include an admission notice, a supporting document for visa application, and a detailed guide.

The International Division provides strong buddy support for each incoming exchange student. Around one month before you come to Beihang, you will be introduced to a local student, who can pick you up at the airport and explore Beijing together with you, among many other activities supported by our Buddy Program.

Prepare for Beihang

When you receive the admission package, please start to apply for a Chinese visa. We would like to highlight the following information:


Tuition fees are to be paid by exchange students to home university only. However, you should cover your own expenses as follows: travel, accommodation, food, books and teaching materials, insurance and other associated costs.

After arrival, you will be required to register for Comprehensive Insurance & Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China. The cost is ¥400/6 months.


Exchange students can apply for on-campus housing. Please submit the Application Form to after you are officially accepted to Beihang.

Academic Calendar

- Autumn semester 2021

  •   Registration day: September 6, 2021
  •   Orientation: the first week of the semester

  •   Semeter ends: January 14, 2022

- Spring semester 2022

  •   Registration day: February 28, 2022

  •   Orientation: the first week of the semester

  •   Semeter ends: July 8, 2022

Campus Life

More details can be found here.

Exchange Fact Sheet
Research Projects