From May 20 to 22, the 4thWorkshop on Spintronic Memory and Logic & the 5th Anniversary Symposium of the Fert Beijing Institute was held at Beihang University.

From May 20 to 22, the 4thWorkshop on Spintronic Memory and Logic & the 5thAnniversary Symposium of the Fert Beijing Institute was held at Beihang University.





The workshop was co-hosted by the School of Microelectronics, the Innovation Center of Big Data and Brain Computing and the Fert Beijing Institute. More than 30 leading scholars from nearly 10 countries, including Nobel Laureate Prof. Albert Fert and Prof. Zhao Weisheng, Director of the Fert Beijing Institute, attended the workshop.



Deputy Director Yi Fanping, on behalf of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), conveyed thanks to Beihang University and Fert Beijing Institute on their efforts in foreign talent acquisition. Prof. Huang Haijun, Vice President of Beihang University, acknowledged the achievements of the Fert Beijing Institute during the past five years, and promised Beihang’s continuous support in the field of spintronics.



At the workshop, experts shared and discussed the latest research achievements on topics related to spintronic devices and computing systems. Parallel to the workshop, a was a poster session was held for to enable postgraduate students to showcase their research and communicate with top-notch experts.



During the celebration event, Beihang also signed an agreement of cooperation with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology to promote research collaborations between the two universities.



上一条:Beihang Extends Partnership with the University of Chile 下一条:Beihang Partners with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

May 24, 2019
In the News