The New Technologies for Future Cities workshop was held at Beihang University.

On October 15, the New Technologies for Future Cities workshop, co-hosted by Centrale Pekin Future Cities Laboratory and the Sino-French Engineer School, was held at Beihang University. Deputy Counselor Mr. Cédric Guillerme, Future Cities Laboratory Director Prof. Jakob Puchinger, Deans of the Sino-French Engineer School, and over 60 representatives from academia and industry participated in the workshop.    



The workshop began with the opening remarks of Prof. ZHAO Gang, Vice Chair of Beihang University Council and Jean-Philippe Dugoin-Clément, Vice President of the Ile-de-France region. They introduced the background and current development of the Centrale Pekin Future Cities Laboratory, which serves as a platform for academic exchange between French and Chinese enterprises and educational institutions.  



As an important mission of the Beijing-Paris Common Action Plan (2018-2023), the Future Cities Laboratory was established at the Sino-French Engineer School of Beihang University in 2018.  Benefiting from the cooperation between Beijing and Paris, the lab aims to develop into an intellectual powerhouse for new knowledge, technologies and talents in order to address the challenges of urban future.  




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Oct 18, 2019
In the News