The International Division will host a welcome reception for incoming exchange students  and double degree students on Thursday, September 5, 2019.

The reception will be held from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm on the second floor of Siyuan Building, which is located at the northwest corner of Green Garden. Beihang buddies and staff members of the International Division and International School will also attend the event.

Before you arrive, please kindly note that:

1. Because of limited food and space, this activity is open only to invited (by email) exchange students and Beihang buddies.

2. Please arrive before 6:00 pm so that we can start the event on time. At the registration desk, you can pick up your name card and check your group number written on it. We have divided you into different groups which you need to join accordingly.

3. Please be careful not to spill drinks or food onto the floor.

We look forward to giving you a warm welcome!

上一条:2020 APAIE Conference & Exhibition 下一条:31th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition

Sep 2, 2019
In the Spotlight